"preparing God's people
for works of service,
that the body of Christ
may be built up..."
Prayer: Seeking God's gracious working...
- Pray for effectiveness as we instruct and mentor these faithful leaders. All are in need God’s gracious provision as they meet together for classes.
- Pray for these pastors who have devoted themselves to grow as shepherds of God’s flock. They are attending classes and doing course work while also pastoring their churches. Many travel some distance to meet for class.
- Pray for our trainers as they teach these courses and mentor students.
- Pray for the Church in India. We desire to strengthen our partnerships between them and local churches in other counties and cultures for the strengthening and fruitfulness of Christ’s body.
- A source has been located to purchase study Bibles in Hindi for the pastors. These Bibles include notes, maps, and commentary that would be invaluable to these pastors who have no other tools to help them prepare to teach from God’s Word. We would love to be able to provide a study Bible to each pastor as the resources come in to cover the cost ($29 ea.) needed for purchase and shipping.